The healer

Corey (He/Him) is a Queer First Nations Māori multidisciplinary healer and artist. Having established a career around Australia and internationally in Vancouver, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Phnom Penh, Corey is currently based back home in Naarm/Melbourne.

As a certified healer, Corey blends their design and healing work, finding influence from physical, spiritual and life-skill learning. He has a certificate in Tarot and the context of the universe, is experienced in mediumship with skills in psychometry (reading people and objects through touch) and has completed their training in the Body Electric Australia.

Whilst living in South East Asia he studied various modalities including breath work, astral travel, chakra cleansing, sound healing, sacred grounding, and protection protocols.

Corey is also a supporter of environmentally sustainable living, he has utilized this ethos in his work as a brand ambassador and a sustainable consultant. Corey's future aspirations include having a men’s healing shared workspace with multiple healers, coaching emerging healers/mediums, and speaking at large forums about the power of tantric healing.

“ “As soon as healing takes place, go out and heal somebody else.”
― Maya Angelou